据美国《华盛顿邮报》本月28日报道,美国多名官员透露,情报机构在一月和二月曾多次发出机密警告,称新冠肺炎疫情可能导致严重的政治经济危机。 这些密报作为每日的情报简报呈送给特朗普,然而特朗普却对警告不予理会,并没有立即采取行动遏制病毒的传播,反而一直对疫情轻描淡写。 很多卫生官员和专家认为,这段时期现在看起来正是被浪费的抗疫“黄金时间”。 我们配合美国疫情情报时间线,来看看特朗普各时期的表态。 1月:除了本能地排斥中国,没有想法1月初,新冠病毒首次出现在美国情报机构递给总统的每日简报中,情报部门对这种冠状病毒威胁的严重性发出了警告。 整整一个月,特朗普没有在国内采取任何防疫措施。 1月31日,特朗普宣布,从2月2日美东时间下午5点开始,除绿卡持有者和美国公民的直系亲属外,在最近14日内到过中国的非美国公民将被拒绝入境美国。 The first mention of the coronavirus in the President’s Daily Brief came at the beginning of January, focusing on what at that point were troubling signs of a new virus spreading through the Chinese city of Wuhan. The administration’s first major step to arrest the spread of the virus came in late January, when Trump restricted travel between the United States and China, where the virus is believed to have originated late last year. 2月:“一切都会奇迹般地消失”美国情报机构此时已经开始动用更多的人力物力资源追踪新冠肺炎疫情的全球蔓延趋势,并将碎片化的情报信息放在每日情报简报中呈递给总统。 彼时,特朗普政府其实仍有机会控制疫情,可以重新调整美国的战略,在可能的情况下控制病毒,想办法准备好医院在美国暴发疫情时所需的资源,包括防护口罩和呼吸机,以及检测设备等,并制定隔离计划等等。 然而由于白宫的拖延,美国错过了一个储存资源的狭窄窗口期,而受够了联邦政府失灵的各州官员开始自己寻找供应。 面对公众,特朗普却继续对疫情轻描淡写,粉饰太平,甚至声称一切都会“奇迹般地”消失,与公共卫生专家发出的紧急信号相矛盾,结果在公众中造成了巨大的困扰。 在美国国内,包括日后的重灾区纽约市和其它人口密集地区,病毒已经开始迅速传播。而这些地区此后所承受的代价包括长久的“居家令”,巨大的经济损失,以及最重要的——无数被病毒吞噬的生命。 In the ensuing weeks, U.S. intelligence agencies devoted additional resources and departments to tracking the spread of the coronavirus. At the CIA, the effort involved agency centers on China, Europe and Latin America, as well as departments devoted to transnational health threats, officials said. But Trump spent much of February publicly playing down the threat while his administration failed to mobilize for a major outbreak by securing supplies of protective equipment, developing an effective diagnostic test and preparing plans to quarantine large portions of the population. Trump insisted publicly on Feb. 26 that the number of cases “within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” and said the next day that “it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” In reality, the virus was by then moving swiftly through communities across the United States, spreading virtually unchecked in New York City and other population centers until state governors began imposing sweeping lockdowns, requiring social distancing and all but closing huge sectors of the country’s economy. 3月:错失良机,大话连篇在情报机构呈给总统的每日情报简报和其它相关情报中,新冠肺炎疫情已经成为了燃眉之急。 3月6日,特朗普戴着一顶红色的“让美国保持伟大”的帽子参观了美国疾病预防控制中心的设施。他吹嘘说疾病控制中心的测试近乎完美,“任何想要测试的人都会得到测试”,而这一承诺在将近两个月过去后仍未兑现。 3月9日,他在推特上写道,普通流感每年导致数万人死亡,“没有什么是停止的,生活和经济仍在继续。” 3月10日,他再次承诺病毒将“消失”,只需要保持冷静。次日,世界卫生组织宣布,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情定性为全球大流行。 3月11日,特朗普宣布,自3月13日起,将禁止所有来自欧洲的人员和货物入境美国,为期30天,但该禁令“不适用于英国”。 在这个月,美国一个州接一个州对公民的日常生活施加全面的新限制,以保护美国人民,这引发了经济上的严重动荡。 经过数月淡化冠状病毒的严重性,并抵制要求采取严厉措施遏制它的呼吁,在给自己加冕为“战时总统”之后,特朗普似乎终于屈服于新冠病毒的现实。 In March, the warnings in the PDB and other intelligence reports had taken on the aspect of an insistent drumbeat. As late as March 10, Trump said: “Just stay calm. It will go away.” The next day, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. As the death toll of Americans succumbing to the novel coronavirus continued to rise every day, Trump started to redefine coronavirus as a foreign threat ("the Chinese virus") and himself as a wartime president defending the nation. 4月:甩锅成为日常此时,美国国内疫情形势已经一发不可收拾。各州确诊人数和死亡人数飙升。特朗普开始甩锅各州政府,并频繁在白宫发布会上出现前后矛盾的言辞,甚至在日前因抛出“注射消毒剂能杀死病毒”的惊人言论,遭致多方批评。 为了掩盖失败,甩锅中国和世卫组织开始成为特朗普团队的日常。 特朗普在多次称赞中国在疫情控制上应对迅速、透明和专业之后,突然改口指责中国。就在周一的发布会上,特朗普又称,中国“本可以阻止”新冠病毒,美国正在对此进行“严肃调查”。此前,特朗普以世卫组织防控新冠肺炎疫情不力为由,宣布暂停资助世卫组织。 虽然美国情报机构已经表示,大量证据表明,新冠病毒不是人造病毒, 但特朗普的支持者和美国右翼媒体却仍然频繁炮制、鼓吹“病毒源于中国”“病毒是从武汉病毒所泄漏的”、“病毒是人造的”等阴谋论,试图以此煽动反华情绪,转移视线。 另据POLITICO报道,特朗普政府日前突然中止了一个研究冠状病毒如何从蝙蝠传播到人类的科研项目的资金。 It’s crystal clear that president Donald Trump has failed to provide the leadership Americans need during the COVID-19 pandemic. But instead of doing everything they can to save as many Americans as possible, President Trump and some of his supporters in Congress and the media are rolling out their coronavirus cover-up campaign: blame China and WHO. While U.S. intelligence officials, citing scientific evidence, have largely dismissed the notion that the virus was deliberately genetically engineered, Trump’s supporters continued to push conspiracy various theories about coronavirus, called coronavirus "man-made" and "engineered." 据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学数据,截至美东时间28日4:31,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例为988,469例,死亡56,253例。 我们再回顾一下白宫发言人约翰·霍根·吉德利(John Hogan Gidley)在3月说过的话:“特朗普总统面对这场危机,早早地采取了积极的、历史性的措施来保护美国人民的健康、财富和安全。我们将在他坚决果断的领导下渡过难关、战胜病毒。” (部分英文内容来自华盛顿邮报) 推荐阅读:“反华”竟成美共和党竞选策略:内部备忘录指导候选人如何“甩锅中国” 福克斯主播要求中国道歉惹众怒,外交部正面回怼